Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Video Glasses for iPod

Hi friends, worried about having a video iPod with small display? Now throw away your worries, here comes the virtual theatre. Recently a portable and light weight i-Theatre glasses was introduced. These glasses can be interfaced with the Video iPods, when you wear this glass, you will see a 50 inch virtual video image (a video screen). This image is displayed from the i-Theatre’s internal LCD screens. The system's binocular display module (BDM) includes two video displays, backlights, drive electronics, and a pair of 24-degree field-of-view optics with large eye relief (20 mm) and pupil size (10 mm). This glass can also be connected to TV input.

Display Resolution: 230,000 Pixels per LCD (320 X 240)
Field of View: 25 Degrees Diagonal
Weight: 3.5 oz. (without cable)
Video Signal: NTSC / PAL / SECAM
Virtual Image Size: 50 inches as seen from 8.5 feet
Power Consumption: Less than 450mW
Battery Life: 6-8 hours

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How to Remove scratches from CDs and DVDs

This simple guide will probably be a lifesaver for a lot of you out there, especially to those of you who have kids roaming their home. We all know it: if something is dear to your heart, no matter how careful you are, your kids will eventually break it.

What brought me to write this article is that my wonderful son, while being at home last week, climbed on a chair and got his hand on my precious Star Wars DVD collection.

Naturally, he did it silently so my wife—though only 20 feet from him, didn’t hear anything. After picking up the box set, he proceeded to bring out a few disks from the box and played with them, dragging them across our hardwood floor. I’m sure you can imagine the effect this operation had on the surface of the DVD’s… they were scratched thouroghly, and when played, the movie froze at critical moments.

Fortunately, I had already experienced something similar with a scratched CD and was able to repair it using a simple technique.

First, before trying anything, be sure to thoroughly clean the surface of your damaged CD. Sometimes, even if a disc is lightly scratched, it will play anyway if properly cleaned.

To do this, just take a piece of Microfiber cloth and clean your disk using eyeglass cleaner or an easy-to-make Home-made Solution.Be sure to wipe the CD / DVD starting from inside out and do not touch the reflective surface with your fingers while doing it. Do not attempt to clean the disc using circular motions! Doing so may worsen the condition of your media if you accidentally scratch it. (It’s always better to have a simple scratch going across one location on several tracks than one affecting the entire length of a single track.)

If after trying this, your disc still doesn’t work, you’ll need to employ a more drastic approach to the situation.

The only things you’ll need to do that is a soft cotton swab and a little bit of mild abrasive, such as Brasso. Be careful, Brasso emits fumes and can be very irritating. Perform the following steps in a well-ventilated area:

1. Imbue your cotton swab with a little dab of Brasso.
2. Gently polish the damaged area of your CD or DVD using a small circular motion until the scratch disappears or at least subdues.
3. Rinse the media.

That’s it! Now stick your disc back inside your player, and attempt to play it again. Does it work? If yes, then great! If no, then repeat the above procedure. I also heard that white toothpaste and car-rubbing compound could be effective, but I have not tried them.

Putting up too much pressure on your scratched disc will probably worsen its condition instead of improving it, so don’t forget to be gentle!

This trick will also often work wonders on damaged PS2, PS3 and Xbox game CD’s.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Night Vision Web Cam

Hi friends, A4-Tech introduced a Night Vision Web Cam, which helps us in video chat and video conferencing even in dark. The webcam can be used as normal cam through out the day, and using Smart Clip-on design, it can be quickly and easily attached to the top of your LCD/TFT monitor or notebook. The Night Vision Web Cam consist of 6 infrared LEDs on the front of the cam, this is used to turn the colour of the image into daylight, no matter how dark your room or working conditions may be. It has some additional features like, automatic white balance, digital zoom, snapshot button, 1.3 mega pixel (interpolated) instant still image capture, and motion tracking. It also has a built in microphone that ensures clear sound and echo-free audio. This Web Cam is most suitable for late night chat sessions without disturbing others.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

find and delete files at once... the shortcut

I was trying to delete a list of files with a character '-' in their filenames from a directory, containing lots of other files. Thanks to linux, you get everything you need here.

#find ./directorypath -regex '.*-.*'
lists all the files/directories containing '-' anywhere in the filename or directory name.
-regex allows to give any pattern to do powerful custom search.

To list only the files, add -type f
#find ./directorypath -type f -regex '.*-.*'

To delete all the files/directories with any pattern, just add command to the above line as shown below
#find ./directorypath -regex '.*-.*' -exec rm -rf {} \;

-exec rm -rf {} \;
executes rm -rf (remove forcefully and recursively in case of directory). The files/directories found by find command is passed to the rm -rf command via {}, which deletes them. \; marks the end of the command.

I suggest you first move all the files to some directory, before deleting them, just incase you don't accidentally delete some important files.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Movie in MS Paint

Another MS Paint Trick goes here, I was not knowing that Painting area in MS paint utility works as Video screen!! lovely trick.
* First start a movie in any player.

* Then open Paint.

* Now, in the player when the movie is being played, press "Print screen" button on your key board.

* Now, Press ctrl+v in Paint

* Leave the movie player open and don't minimize it.

* Open Paint now and se the movie in the Paint!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Unintended Consequences of Biofuels

Biofuels, particluarly those derived from ethanol, have been heralded as an ideal way to wean us off of polluting and increasingly expensive fossil fuels. While we may have no choice but to rely on biofuels in the future, some futurists are sounding the alarm about the unintended consequences of biofuel reliance. In July, the futurist think tank Global Business Network noted that crop growth for biofuels could come at the expense of the world food supply. Others are citing the phenomenon of "agflation," or the increased price of all things agricultural, from produce to dairy products to real estate in rural areas. Indeed, manufacturers of all types are beginning to notice higher prices for animal by-products used in products such as soaps.

While market forces may eventually correct agflation-driven price increases, the time is now to understand that energy solutions such as biofuel are not "magic bullets" without impact in other areas, and to mitigate those impacts.